

洞见系列,第22期:患者信任——Dr. Adrienne Boissy关于 “实现卓越运营”的思想领导力文章


在新冠危机期间,我们比以往任何时候都更加依赖我们的医疗健康服务,然而对许多人来说,疫情也创造了新的现实。美国的一项调查表明,在疫情期间,45%的人不愿意在急诊室,约30%的人在医院,以及37%的人在免预约诊所 环境中寻求医疗服务会感到不舒服。结果,许多患者延迟或逃避医疗服务。



本文探讨了Cleveland Clinic Health System为成功应对加强患者信任这一挑战而采取的措施。Cleveland Clinic Health System首席体验官Dr. Adrienne Boissy强调了关键的重点领域,这些领域为如何更强大地摆脱危机以及如何在未来加强患者对医务团

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这篇报告是红足1医疗洞见系列 -新常态的一部分。它提供了有关“实现卓越运营” 的理念和解决方案,与Cleveland Clinic首席体验官Adrienne Boissy, MD, MA共同撰写。

Cleveland Clinic是一家非营利性的多专业学术医疗中心,全球拥有超过980万门诊人次和73,000名医务人员。在新冠疫情期间,他们也面临着与其他医疗健康系统相同的挑战。然而,他们在前几年所做的患者体验工作被证明是有价值的。

Cleveland Clinic在疫情期间确定了四个痛点:

  1. 缺乏便利:行政负担给患者带来诸多不便,对检查结果、预约和转诊的不明原因等待也是如此。其结果是给患者带来了不被尊重和被忽视的感觉。
  2. 缺乏及时响应:大多数患者期望在出报告的同时便可以尽快收到诊断结果,而不是依赖于临床医生的时间。
  1. 沟通或同理心不足:患者往往觉得自己不是医疗服务决策的一部分,需要成为我们的工作重心。
  2. 查询计费体验:由结算部门和Cleveland Clinic设计团队Insights Studio领导的一项研究确定了那些未能支付医疗费用的患者不支付的五个原因:对准确性的怀疑、困惑、寻找关于账单的答案、难以支付以及优先考虑他们的支出。

基于对上述痛点的分析和进一步考虑,Dr. Boissy和她的团队提供了几项建议,以推动疫情期间和疫情后的工作,并应对加强患者信任的挑战,例如:

  • 加强医务工作可及性。设身处地地为患者考虑
  • 认真倾听患者、医务人员和医疗团队的痛点。
  • 采用工具和技术,使医院和医疗团队能够为患者和医疗团队设计有效的虚拟体验。
  • 临床医生提供沟通方面的虚拟最佳实践培训。
  • 以患者为中心-团队的实际职能中心。



Adrienne Boissy, MD, MA
Adrienne Boissy, MD, MA, is Chief Experience Officer of the Cleveland Clinic Health System and a staff neurologist at the Cleveland Clinic Mellen Center for Multiple Sclerosis. Dr. Boissy leads initiatives to address and improve every aspect of a patient’s encounter with the Cleveland Clinic Health System – from their physical comfort to their educational, emotional and spiritual needs. The Office of Patient Experience is responsible for a range of programs and services across the enterprise, including service excellence, communication skills training, spiritual care, data intelligence, volunteer services, and the ombudsman’soffice. Her recent work has focused on patient engagement and the digital experience of the future.
Dr. Boissy co-chairs the Empathy and Innovation Summit, the largest independent summit on patient experience in the world. She serves as Editor Emeritus of the Journal of Patient Experience and serves on the advisory board for Option B. She has published extensively about relationships, burnout, digital design, and empathy in healthcare, and advocates for major operational changes in healthcare systems for a more humane experience, noted in her TED talk
“Can empathy help heal healthcare?”. In a comprehensive NEJM Catalyst piece, she has proposed a comprehensive
overhaul of experience measurement in a post-COVID digital world. She has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, NPR, The Washington Post, Forbes, and The Atlantic, among others. A Harvard Macy scholar, she has been internationally recognized as a leading physician executive and industry pioneer.

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